Once in a Lifetime…

Brandon Slesser
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

Once in a Lifetime…

was a statement that I never really fully understood until I met you. From the awkward hello to the night of dancing lights of neon and plastic, we haven’t lost our love for each other. Life got in the way of us, but we have the cheat code to life. We are connected at the deepest level. Our souls were lovers in a past life. They were vigilantes in the Wild West. Gunslingers with a passion that was driven by our own desires to occupy all the lost souls we ran across. We were once jewel thieves contemplating how to take the Crown from a Queen who we didn’t think deserved it.

We danced together to the melodic and ethereal music of the fae deep under their hills. Going in and out of trees. Living life in full evergreen and blissful harmony.

Once in a Lifetime…

was a saying that I learned to understand, but I learned it from you. You left all that you knew for me and I changed all that I was for you. We grew together. Even miles apart we experienced life on the same frequency. We channeled our energies to match one another even if we didn’t realize it. Together you and I were well on our way to conquer the world. The world wasn’t ready for this union. It tried to stop it with distance and time. Never once did it win. Even in our own ways we connected with one another and melted into a formless being that was too great for this world.

We each wore a crown made from the bones of our enemies and bedazzled with sequins. We decided to disregard the glitter because our depressive nature would allow it.

In this lifetime I met the one person who not only understands me and I understand her, but I found my SOULMATE. No matter what life we enter, we will always find one another. Together we are the missing pieces of the puzzle that we have been creating over the centuries. I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are forever my kindred stardust.

Once in a Lifetime…



Brandon Slesser

Survivor. Fighter. Raw Thinker. I feel deep and my words are deeper. Florida boy who loves the sun and cold drink. Beach goer and speedo fanatic. I’m just me.